Frequently Asked Questions
When should I see a Physio?
A Physiotherapist can provide useful treatment and advice at any stage of an injury or the recovery process
Do I need a GP referral?
No, you can see our Physiotherapists without a referral, you will need a referral however if your treatment is to be covered or subsidised by Medicare, WorkCover, DVA or is related to a CTP claim or injury.
Do I need to be a patient of Dr Tongs to see a Physio?
No, you don't have to be a patient of Dr Tong's to see our Physiotherapists however we often will liaise with him if its felt required during your rehabilitation process.
What should I wear?
You should wear comfortable fitting clothing that can allow movement and if needed appropriately expose an area of concern.
Can I use my health fund card?
Yes absolutely, we accept all health fund cards.
What if I need further investigations?
If following a consult further imagery is deemed necessary your Physiotherapist can refer you directly to a radiologist. However on some occasions a greater you may get more of a health rebate if you are refereed by a Doctor.
Do you bulk bill?
If your injury is deemed to meet the Chronic Disease Management criteria by your doctor you will be eligible to receive a rebate through Medicare on your Physiotherapy treatment.
How long are your appointments?
Our appointments are 30 mins long unless an extended consult is required or the treatment session is a Hydrotherapy or gym based session which can be longer.