About Us
Sports and Orthopaedic Physio was initially set up to support Dr Tong's clientele and compliment his work to ensure optimal outcomes to the high degree that he expects. This dedication to provide such a high quality service for Dr Tong's patients not only continues today but has grown to also provide exceptional Physiotherapy management to the greater community in the Southern Gold Coast Region. Our Physiotherapists at Sports and Orthopedic Physio have over a decade of experience working in an array of settings including working with International and Professional sporting teams, providing onsite vocational and ergonomic support and of course in a private and orthopedic setting. This alongside also gaining further Post Graduate Qualifications means you are guaranteed expert care.
When should I see a Physio?
A Physiotherapist can provide useful treatment and advice at any stage of an injury or the recovery process
Do I need a GP referral?
No, you can see our Physiotherapists without a referral, you will need a referral however if your treatment is to be covered or subsidised by Medicare, WorkCover, DVA or is related to a CTP claim or injury.
Do I need to be a patient of Dr Tongs to see a Physio?
No, you don't have to be a patient of Dr Tong's to see our Physiotherapists however we often will liaise with him if its felt required during your rehabilitation process.
What should I wear?
You should wear comfortable fitting clothing that can allow movement and if needed appropriately expose an area of concern.
Can I use my health fund card?
Yes absolutely, we accept all health fund cards.
What if I need further investigations?
If following a consult further imagery is deemed necessary your Physiotherapist can refer you directly to a radiologist. However on some occasions a greater you may get more of a health rebate if you are refereed by a Doctor.
Do you bulk bill?
If your injury is deemed to meet the Chronic Disease Management criteria by your doctor you will be eligible to receive a rebate through Medicare on your Physiotherapy treatment.
How long are your appointments?
Our appointments are 30 mins long unless an extended consult is required or the treatment session is a Hydrotherapy or gym based session which can be longer.